Latest 16.04 updates disabled Raspberry Pi 3 WIFI

After a week without updating, on 12 MAY 2016 I applied 16.04 updates to my Pi 3. The internal wireless chip is no longer recognized. It may be related to the MATE network applet which no longer recognizes the presence of WIFI support. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi @w2d2,

can you boot into recovery mode and then use an older kernel and then remove the newer one?. :smiley:

Wolfman, I certainly can. However, I was hoping I wasn’t the only one with the issue and that the regression error introduced would be in the queue for repair. Being new to this community, I don’t know how to alert the powers that be to the issue.

Turns out that the internal WIFI chip on the Pi 3 failed. Wireless now works fine with a USB dongle. The coincidence of applying updates, rebooting, and then having no wireless connectivity fooled me.

Thanks for the help Wolfman.

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Similar problems experienced by users reported at Internal WiFi and Bluetooth missing on Raspberry Pi 3

My PI3 is now working again using a $20 wifi USB adapter.

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