Hey guys, is there a way to Launch/FInd Programs quickly. I hate digging though the Menu. Like Ubuntu has the Unity Launcher right, and Mint you just type in what you want. Like a Shortcut Keystroke that brings it up also, or maybe set it to the Panel?
The way LVA says is the way I do it. Also, UM comes with Synapse installed by default, look for it in Accessories and configure it if you like that way.
In addition to the excellent advice already provided I suggest trying Plank. I placed my Plank panel on the bottom of my screen and locked the icons to it for my most used programs. A single click on the icon launches; any gui program launched from the menu system show up in plank and a right click on the icon locks it to plank.
Here's what mine looks like, Plank set to transparent
Thanks all for so many good answers so quickly because I want to get with this today. Some Linux Forms are a bit dead but this one seems quite alive. I'm on it in a few hours when I get on UM, right now in Mint Mate.
When I press Alt + F2 in Mint I get the "Run Application" gui, and when I type a program I get a warning, hopefully this is different in UM. Here is the Warning I get trying to open Terminal: Could not open location 'file:///home/chris/Terminal'
I know the Terminal can be opened with Ctrl Alt T so that is one thing I will remember.
I'll report my confusion later lol. Thanks again, Elliot!