Launcher for UM?

Hey guys, is there a way to Launch/FInd Programs quickly. I hate digging though the Menu. Like Ubuntu has the Unity Launcher right, and Mint you just type in what you want. Like a Shortcut Keystroke that brings it up also, or maybe set it to the Panel?

Thanks, Elliot

You can add Advanced Menu to some of your panels, or you can press Alt + F2

The way LVA says is the way I do it. Also, UM comes with Synapse installed by default, look for it in Accessories and configure it if you like that way.

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I agree, Synapse will do exactly as you want. Enable it in the MATE Tweak application.

In addition to the excellent advice already provided I suggest trying Plank. I placed my Plank panel on the bottom of my screen and locked the icons to it for my most used programs. A single click on the icon launches; any gui program launched from the menu system show up in plank and a right click on the icon locks it to plank.

Here's what mine looks like, Plank set to transparent

Thanks all for so many good answers so quickly because I want to get with this today. Some Linux Forms are a bit dead but this one seems quite alive. I'm on it in a few hours when I get on UM, right now in Mint Mate.

When I press Alt + F2 in Mint I get the "Run Application" gui, and when I type a program I get a warning, hopefully this is different in UM. Here is the Warning I get trying to open Terminal: Could not open location 'file:///home/chris/Terminal'

I know the Terminal can be opened with Ctrl Alt T so that is one thing I will remember.

I'll report my confusion later lol. Thanks again, Elliot!

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Well, yes but you can also do that without plank. This is my left panel with the use of drawers:


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