Li-f-e: Linux for Education based on Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 out

Li-f-e: Linux for Education based on the latest Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 LTS release is out, this release brings in HWE stack consisting of updated Linux kernel and X server. Gujarati language and Ibus for typing in any language are new additions. It of course has tons of educational applications, development tools and many more useful stuff for everyone.

For download and more details see:

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Hello Cyberorg. Are you a part of the L-i-f-e organization? Or, is this a community spin? Or, is it an individual, personal project?

That’s okay. I just checked the opesuse l-i-f-e site and they link to your spin.

I’ll check it out…:slight_smile:

Li-f-e is the name of the distribution, it is now my personal project, it is one of the important pieces of product from new start up Recherche Tech.

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