List of Feedback

Been using UM on my laptop for a week now, and it’s quit nice to have the legacy Ubuntu interface back.

The things I would change are:

-Include synaptic and gnome-disk-utility by deafult
-Fork the old Ubunutu Software Center (before it was bloated) and make it the UbuntuMATE Software Manager (or something like that)
-Have the super key open the Applications menu (it feels awkward having it do nothing)
-Have the power icon open a drop down menu (Restart, Sleep, etc.)

I’m not experienced with open source software development so I don’t know how difficult some of those thing would be, just my 2 cents. Other than that it’s a great distro.

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I haven't checked the default menu applets, but at least mate-menu has Super-L listed as the default keybinding.

Have you tried checking the configuration of your keyboard shortcuts?

Interesting feedback.

Synaptic by default isn’t going to happen since those that use it know how to get it.

We voted on gparted vs gnome-disk-utility before and concluded that gparted in the live session was sufficient. Again power users know where to get what they need.

Forking the software centre is more work than I can accommodate, but if someone in the community is up for it then I’ll help.

Super keys for the Applications I added to the Compiz integration I’ve been working one this evening. I’ll see if I can do something without Compiz too. As @rfc1459 said, MATE Menu has super key access.

I’m thinking the power features you’ve suggested could be implemented via an applet. I’d love to see the community make something :smiley:

I used Ubuntu MATE since June . I don’t have tecnical skills , so I used almost default . The image( screen ) at VLC ( and Totem , MPlayer , … ) and web ( youtube ,games , … ) was becoming worst and worst . At 14.04 and 14.10 . So I experimented other distros with MATE ( Fedora ,Antergos ,…); not problem with image , but I don like them . I experimented other Ubuntu flavours ; not problem with images ( but only at Kubuntu it’s really perfect - absolutelly not tearing ). But I would like back to use Ubuntu MATE ; it’s my prefered distro , for the project , the idea , the people .I tried all the forum tips but it results the same . So , please, at 15.04 , look at these topic too ( what is so different at Kubuntu structure that makes so difference at image ).By the way ,my PC : 2x Pentium®Dual-Core CPU [email protected] ; ST500DM002-1BO142 465,8GiB , 3,9 Gib RAM . Think it with love . :slight_smile:

You might like the Compiz support I am retro fitting to Ubuntu MATE 14.04 and 14.10 then :smile: With Compiz enable I’m sure screen tearing will be gone.

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Cool ! I trust you !

I've actually been looking for a suitable project to create an applet. I might have a go when I get some time

I second these feature requests.

Anyone else see the Deepin Linux review on Sunday's LAS? Now that's a Software Centre I could actually see myself using.

@Wimpy mate-disk-utility (fork of gnome-disk-utility) will be a good addition even though gparted is installed by default because it includes the ‘Disk Image Mounter’, which will be particularly useful since Ubuntu MATE does not seem to have any application to mount image files installed by default. The benchmarking and SMART data tests are also good additions.

I do like mate-disk-utility but it is no longer maintained, so I am unsure about including it Ubuntu MATE.

That's shame, as I quite like it to. I must confess though that my usual go-to is gparted.

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