Is there a way to manually edit the order of items on a panel? This has happened to me in 15.10 and 16.04. When I disable the ‘expand’ option of the top panel then reboot (normal power off then on the next day) the items on the panel are in a different order. Some of the items have a move option on the right-click, others do not. Of the items that can not be moved (no option) they also prevent moveable items from crossing them.
I would like to know if there is a configuration file somewhere that I can manually order the items in the panel?
Hi eman_no1
Everything in the panel is movable. Maybe you need to unlock it first (r-click+unlock).
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Hi v3xx,
I have unlocked the ones that have the option and were disabled. FireFox was an example where move was disabled. An example of the opposite is the caja-dropbox icon. A right-click brings up the dropbox context menu and has no move or unlock options.
I do not think we are talking about the same thing. Here is a pic of my panel, its customized and everything is movable.
Hi @eman_no1,
see the following links but I don’t think that you can really set panel icons in any particular order!: