(mate 16.04Lts) Indicators of vlc, rhythmbox, etc

Hello community, recently I saw an image of a ubuntu matte desktop in the volume indicator appeared the indicators of vlc and rhymbox, with the icons of forward, rewind and pause the tracks. And on my desk the volume indicator only shows the volume level . I wanted to know if anyone knows how to make the rhymbox, vlc and such things appear on my indicator.

That's the image


Please, if you help me with this problem, I will thank you very much

Pd: Sorry my english is so bad....

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Open MATE Tweak, choose the tab Panel, and check the box Enable indicators.

(If the box is disabled, it is probably because you saved a custom panel layout, and it only works with the default layouts. You’ll need to choose one of the default layouts, enable indicators, and then you can customize it as you like it again.)


Is it appropriate to ask a related question?

Are indicators the future? Or will they go away as a legacy of Unity?

Actually Gtk.StatusIcon is deprecated . Old xembeded tray will go away and all is left is status notifier items and indicators.

Thank you very much, I had not noticed that option in tweak … you’re the best man!