Mate-menu doesn't appear in panel


I’m trying to add the Advanced Mate Menu but it doesn’t appear in the panel.
I can see that a small 1 pixel dot has appeared in the middle of the panel, but I can’t grab it with mouse and I cannot delete it from the panel.

I’m on ubuntu-mate 15.10 with mate 1.10. I had everything updated this morning.

Anybody had this problem ?

Here is some info :

OS: Ubuntu 15.10 wily
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.1.0-3-generic
Uptime: 13h 29m
Packages: 2385
Shell: bash 4.3.39
Resolution: 1920x1057
DE: MATE 1.10.2
WM: Metacity (Marco)
GTK Theme: ‘Numix’ [GTK2/3]
Icon Theme: Numix-Circle
Font: Ubuntu 11
CPU: AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics @ 1.4GHz
GPU: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.6, 128 bits)
RAM: 780MiB / 5443MiB

Control Center -> Personal -> MATE Tweak -> Interface -> Panels -> Panel layouts -> pick preferred option

That’s an alternative to the “Add to Panel” version which doesn’t seem to work for you for whatever reason. :smile:

Thanks for the info. I had to pick “opensuse” layout, it was the only panel that appeared with the mate menu.
I have modified it to bring it back to my taste.

I have absolutly no clues to why it does that at all.

Do you know where is stored the panel configuration information ?


/usr/share/themes/name of your theme/gtk-3.0

There you’ll be able to find a css style sheet called “mate-applications.css” in which the panel configuration information are stored.

Thanks, I'll take a look at those so see if there is a problem in the css.

Oups! The openSUSE layout use the gnome menu not the mate menu. In mate 1.10 I only have the following layouts: cupertino, gnome, netbook, openSUSE, Redmon, Ubuntu mate. We do no have the layouts with the mate menu that we use to have in 1.8.2. Are they gone forever ???

I have found the code for the applet at :


But I still have not found where the current config is stored yet.


Well, there is something at /usr/lib/mate-menu called “©”.
That’s the only dependency I can make out. At this point however, I don’t think I know enough to be able to help any further. Sorry for that!

Youd did alreally help me a lot.
Thanks for the help.