Mate-power-manager is STILL a stinker

During the time of 18.04 it was usually unavoidable for me to actually need to remove mate-power-manager - because it very obviously caused several things, the worst of which was to make the host PC totally unresponsive - which would literally NEVER happen again after it was removed.

Oddly enough - it was possible to replace it with xfce4-power-manager, and that worked pretty well - or just leaving none at all was OK too.

Of course having searched here 1st to see what might have come before, there are many mentions of mate-power-manager being difficult and/or crashy.

Now, using 20.04.3 - this same horrid thing is happening.
My partner's PC was set for the screensaver to start at 40 minutes & the screen to sleep after an hour.

Closely watching it for ~2 hours - the screensaver came on OK, but the screen stayed running & I left it that way when we went to sleep.

During the hours after leaving it untouched - at some point the video vanished, the display's backlight stayed on - and her PC became 100% unresponsive.

I removed mate-power-manager - and Synaptic now shows xfce4-power-manager again, so now it is installed & I'm watching to see how it goes.

Is there some way to make this distro's own power manager better ??

Thanks for any helpful replies !!

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I have this problem too, on both my Laptop and my Desktop. I wonder if there is a setting that can be changed in the power manager without hacing to remove it? Especially on the laptop.

Just reaffirming this a while later...
My partner's desktop PC has remained OK since removing this nuisance s/w.

There's literally a group of unfixed things which have been ongoing problems that have only worsened in 20.04 after being tolerable in 18.04 - and some things, like the mysteriously unsolved startup delays with 20.04.3 are truly horrible;
20+ minutes stuck while supposedly dealing with /TMP ?!?
Not acceptable.

please keep in mind that the devs are working on their own time. Its always great to offer suggestions. But the way you ask is important if you want the devs to listen to your request.