Merchandise Team

I am frequently contacted about creating some Ubuntu MATE merchandise and simply haven’t had the time to make any serious progress.

@Spleenico and (I think) @parzzix have recently offered their help and I think we might benefit from a few others too. So, if you think you can help with:

  • Choosing suppliers
  • Selecting appropriate items to sell
  • Designing Ubuntu MATE artwork for merchandise

Reply below and let us know how you can help with the effort. Once we’ve got a group selected I’ll form a Mechandise team and create a private group here where we can coordinate our efforts :smiley:

Can i get any official artwork to get started with? Svg prefered

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I don’t mind helping. I can manage logistics and such. I’m not a super artist. But if I have designs for logos or artwork I can help put shirts together. I can also do some of the legwork on finding the right source and so forth.

@xaitec Here you go.

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I have a bit the same profile as @parzzix. I can help with project management and execution of assigned tasks, but I have no art skills (at least not for drawing / design).
Yesterday evening (after I proposed my help to Martin and before he made this announcement) I made a start with the project roadmap, requirement specifications and review of potential suppliers, but I will now wait until the group is defined so we can all go on as a team.
Looking forward to it!

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I hope Martin or any of you will not finish like this:


No worries, this is what we've planned to celebrate once we're done with our project:


So is this the group? Figure i’ll bump to make sure everyone sees.

Yep, I think this is the group. Got some time critical big jobs I need to complete for 15.04. Please all be patient, this will get my full attention :slight_smile:

Of course sir… I am just happy to have a way to be involved in the project.