I have the same situation pemartins. Please see -
I have 18.04 installed on 3 laptops (one is a server) and a desktop. Only in the upstairs laptop server does MATE Tweak offer me the opportunity to select another layout.
For instance on this laptop, I have working MATE Tweaks in both 16.04 and 17.10 but not in 18.04. All of these are fresh installs, not upgrades of any sort. I'm not a believer in upgrades from one version to the next.
This is 16.04--------------
This is 17.10--------------
and 18.04 displays abo…
This discussion from 2017 may have some bearing on our problem, although I don't quite get just why...
I dug around a bit more, and the root access works via invoking /usr/bin/pkexec, which is part of the PolicyKit framework.
It allows to run a process as another user, which based on certain policy settings can happen without being prompted.
If I run pkexec /usr/lib/mate-tweak/install-mate-panel-layout directly from a terrminal, it would ask me to authenticate, yet MATE-Panel is apparently allowed to do that specific call without prompting the user.
This is configured in /usr/share/polkit-1/ac…
I did fresh reinstalls on two laptops and only one, at this time, still has access to more than GNOME2. Does it have something to do with editing the menus with mozo?
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