Modify MATE Netspeed applet

I’m in the process of migrating to Fedora 24 and MATE 1.16.0 and I noticed that the Netspeed applet is overstating my download speed. After doing the math it appears the applet was coded to divide by 1000 instead of 1024 when converting from b/s to Kb/s to Mb/s. I came to this conclusion by running a speed test at and comparing the Netspeed displayed speed, 119 Mb/s, with that of, 113.5 Mb/s. With the Cinnamon and Gnome DE’s applets can be modified by editing the .json files found in the ~/.local/share/{DE}/applets folder but I can’t seem to find any applet files in MATE. After looking on GitHub it seems the netspeed.c file is the one I need to change but it doesn’t appear to exist on my machine. So is it possible for me to modify the Netspeed applet on my machine?


Hi @upthecreek,

did you check the MTU Setting in the Network Settings Manager?. :smiley:

You can create your own script if necessary!:

Thanks for the suggestion and the link but I don’t think the MTU is going to impact the speed displayed by the Netspeed applet.

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I decided to go back to Cinnamon so this thread can be disregarded.