Looking for the best way force one of my monitors to stay at 1920x1080 resolution. It boots to 1080p, but looses its settings when I switch inputs. When I switch back, the monitor has become "Unknown" and the maximum available resolution via "Displays" or xrandr is 1680x1050. Google tells me this isn't all that uncommon when using inexpensive monitors and/or an HDMI switch, and I'm using both.
I don't need resolutions other than 1080p, so I'm wondering if it is possible/easiest to generate an XORG.conf and specify the desired resolution (or modeline) there? Of course, there may be something better/easier/more elegant, hence my question. My knowledge is pretty weak-sauce in this area.
Hardware/Software: UM 20.04 as Host w/Windows 10 as a Guest VM (KVM/QEMU) with GPU Passthrough. Host and guest share one 1080p monitor via an HDMI Switch. In addition, a second system also shares this monitor via the same switch. I cycle between the three inputs frequently throughout the day. At boot, the system identifies my LG Monitor by name and sets 1080p automatically. Once I cycle back from a different source though, it becomes "Unknown" as noted above. The second system, also running UM has the same issue. The Windows VM is pretty oblivious and seems unaffected.
Thank you for any ideas or recommendations.