Mutiny and full screen brisk: mousing from the menu button

Spent a little time with the awesome beta (Mutiny) and noticed how when I click the Menu button and then instinctively move my mouse to the full screen brisk menu, I almost always “brush” across FAVORITES, resulting in an empty brisk menu. This is such a natural mouse movement after clicking the menu, that I can imagine many average users will do it and be frustrated and/or confused.

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Fair Point, maybe something can be done by monitoring mouse speed.
I recommend you write up a feature request as an issue on github.

I also have had this issue especially from a top panel, maybe we could get it laid out on the side sort of like deepin’s one menu option but without the unnecessary animations

It could be remedied quickly by centering the ALL, FAVORITES, ACCESSORIES, etc. in the middle of the window, out of the way of natural mouse movement.

that to would work or both and have the option to change, but maybe that is for when I learn to code and fork it and add a bunch of other stuff

I miss file and folder explorer context in Brisk … instead of Using “familiar” layout