My OS X wannabe desktop

Nice man. This is mine. Different but still the same goal lol

Nice. I have a dark theme too, but I find after a week or two my eyes tire of it and I keep going back to the light theme.

I am the opposite. I've been using this dark theme for almost 3 years now. Since 16.04 came out

That's the beauty of Linux in that you can fine tune it to your liking, particularly Ubuntu MATE since it comes with so many predefined desktop paradigms built in. The only thing I use a dark theme for consistently if the terminal and Atom when I'm coding. I'll post a pic later of my dark theme, it uses a different icon set too.

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It sure is. The beauty of Freedom

Here's my dark theme setup...

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Cool. I'd like to use conky but I like my desktop clean with as few information as possible. It is a great program though. The possibilities of customization are endless. That's the best part :+1:

Double oh seven, where'd you get the wall paper?

anyone can help me how to install this theme?
I try it on mate-desktop site and downloaded the file but the icons are only working and panels are not affected..
sorry for my bad English. :frowning:

I'm not sure where I got my wallpapers. Usually when I'm looking for wallpapers I just google 1920x1080 wallpapers and look for what I like. I can't remember where they were downloaded from...sorry.

raijin: Here's my best attempt at a tutorial...

First download the GTK theme from
Select the Sierra-light one, its the first listed. Once downloaded, extract it and place it in the ~/.themes directory.

Second download the cursor theme from
Make sure to select the one that is OSX-ElCap, NOT THE KDE ONES. Once downloaded, extract it and open a terminal and run the install script that is located in the extracted folder.

Now at this point open the control center and open Appearances. Select the Sierra-light theme. Then select Customize and select the icon pack that you previously downloaded under the icon tab. Then select click the Pointer tab and select the OSX-ElCap cursor theme.

Now at this point you need to setup a dock. You can either use Plank that comes with Ubuntu MATE (probably the easiest), or download and install another dock. I use docky, but that's just because I was more familiar with it and like its ability to be customized. Open Mate Tweak and navigate to the panels tab. Select the cupertino layout which will provide you with a plank dock and a global menu on the top bar.

Now there a few additional things that I have added to my desktop to enable this "look," like a semi-transparent top bar, I'm using Compiz as my window manager, and I have a conky enabled as well. If you require assistance with those items I can point you in the right direction for those as well. Hope that this helped.

What theme is it @raijin?

I tried and apply the theme you said and seems having problems, the icons doesn't work.

from toad007's post. I like his theme

should I install mate 1.22 version first?

The icon pack is separate from the gtk theme. Tomorrow I will post a link to the icon theme pack and install instructions. You don't need to upgrade...

I'm having issues about installing Sierra-light.. and my panel is not transparent :frowning:

The icons are not part of the Sierra light gtk theme. The icon packs are separate. Also, the theme will not make the top bar transparent. You can right click on the panel, select properties and choose the transparency that you want, but in order to get the Ubuntu MATE notification panel transparent requires a little work. I can link to a thread tomorrow that details that.

So, are you having problems installing the Sierra light gtk theme, or the icon pack?

In order to make the panel transparent visit this thread...

For the icons you need to download this icon pack....

once you have downloaded the icon pack extract it and place it in ~/.icons
Then go to the appearances settings in MATE and select customize, click on icons, then select the icon pack.

transparent is not working.. I already tried your help but nothing happpens.