Naming is close

The LTS comes next and this is around the time it’s named.

Bashful Bonobo?
Bright Beaver?
Bucking Bronco? (too USA?)
Biting Barracuda?
Breezy Badger? (naw, no one would EVER pick THAT one! :smirk:)

Don’t mind me, I’m easily amused. :grin:


Balancing Bear?

Most countries have a ‘bear’ of some sort in their culture - makes sense to me to use an inclusive animal…

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From a fellow old nerd :grin: I’ll go along with inclusive. But it hasn’t been that way.

Xeruses, Yaks, Zapuses and Aardvarks are pretty regional. Unicorns, Werewolfs and Jackalopes have… um… limited range.

Birdwatching Bedbug?

Does it need to be a current epoch animal?

Bemused Brontosaurus signing in!

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Why is it always a vertibrate? How about Bouncy Barnacle?


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 18.04 LTS, the Bionic Beaver.

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Works for me. Guess I will wait till then to replace 16.04 on my main system. Looking forward to B.B.

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Bionic Beaver can’t be beat.

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