Network Manager disable on boot

Tried to search for this topic but did not find any…
I have an occurring issue regarding my network-manager. It is running a wired connection, but for some reason
it gets disabled upon login in on boot. To fix it I need to do a sudo service network-manager reboot

I have checked the /etc/networkmanager/network-manager.conf and set the managed to True
But it did not fix it

Any suggestion

I'm not sure what's causing it. Someone more knowledgeable on here may well be able to help. But, if all else fails, a workaround I would employ to fix it involves making a start-up script

The only problem with the above is that the start-up script will need to employ the "sudo" command, As you will no doubt be aware, this requires a password. But, as the script will be a startup-script, you wont have the opportunity to enter the password and so the script wont run.

This problem also has a "fix", I put quotes round that word because some might consider what I am about to explain as being an unacceptable breach of security. However, I have always used this fix since I need to run a printer reset script each time my system boots in order for my printer to work. Anyway that's by the by. Here is my workaround for your network starting problem in full:

The first thing you need to do, in order to ensure that any start-up script that contains a "sudo" command in it works as intended, is disable your "sudo" password prompt. To do that you need to edit a very important file called the “sudoer” file. However, be warned. If you screw up while you are editing it, you can knacker your entire system and you will have to re-write it. I know this because I have done precisely that myself on a previous occasion. Furthermore, as i mentioned above, disabling your sudo passsword prompt is viewed by some as leaving your system less secure. However, to repeat,I am less personally concerned about this than others and so I have no problem with disabling it. It's a matter of taste and risk-tolerance I guess and, in any event, you still have to enter your password at boot-up.

  1. Open up a terminal. Type “sudo visudo” and press the “Enter” key. After typing in your password at the prompt, press “Enter”. You will be taken into something called the “sudoer” file.

  2. Hold the down arrow key and you will see the cursor move to the bottom of the file. Paste the following line below all other lines (in order to paste using only the keyboard in a terminal, you need to press the CTRL/SHIFT/V keys simultaneously):

yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL

where “yourusername” should be replaced with your actual user-name (mine, for example, is “stephen”)

  1. You now need to save and close the file. To do this you need to:

a) press CTRL and X

b) You will be prompted to type Y or N in order to save or discard the modifications. You must type Y

c) You will be given another prompt for the name that is given. Simply press the “Enter” key.

You should now find you have dropped out of the sudoer file and are back at the normal terminal prompt. You can close the terminal at that point.

Okay, the next thing you need to do is to make your script:

  1. Open up a blank pluma file

  2. Copy and paste the following lines into it:

sleep 10
sudo service network-manager reboot

Or, alternatively, you could paste the following lines into it:

sleep 10
sudo service network-manager restart

The reason I have given you a choice is because you have stated that you use the command "sudo service network-manager reboot". However, I have just tried using that command in a terminal and my system does not recognize it. To restart my network I have always used the "sudo service network-manager restart" command. One way to test if my version works on your system is to open up a terminal and try it out. If mine works, then I recommend using it instead of yours. But, it's your choice.

The reason I have included a sleep command is because I have found, through trial and error, that delaying a start-up script slightly makes it far less likely to fail to run. Don't ask me why because I don't know why. I just know that trial and error has proven this to be the case. In any event, it does no harm to have it in.

  1. Save the file as "". You should save it to your home folder.

  2. Open caja and locate your script in your home folder. Right-click it and select "properties". Then navigate to the "permissions" tab. Once there, make sure you check the "Allow executing file as program" checkbox:

Then close the "properties" dialogue box.

Okay, the final thing you need to do is to force this script to run when you log into your system:

  1. Open up the "Startup-Applications" dialogue box. I think you will find it in the "System/Preferences/Personal" menu.

  1. Click on the "add" button

In the "add" dialogue box, you can enter any name you want in the "name" field. In the "comment" field, you can also write anything you want. For the "command" field, you should browse to your home folder and select the script you just made. When you do, the path to the script will appear in the command field

Now close the "add" dialogue box.

  1. If you scroll down your "startup-applications" dialogue box, you should now see your script in the list.

You can now close the "startup-applications" dialogue box.

Okay, that's it. If you log out and then log back in, you should find that your network starts around 10 seconds after logging in. You could always, of course, go back into your script and reduce the length of the sleep command to reduce the time it takes for the network to start when you login. If it starts failing to run, just put the sleep duration back up a little.

The quickest is going to be to start it as the solution presented. If you are interested in digging into it further you need to know if it ever even attempts to start at boot, or just tries and fails, or starts then goes down after a while. For that you can look at /var/log/syslog for the network entries. And compare that to what you see logged when you run sudo service network-manager restart.

Made the quickest solution

  1. Install wicd
  2. Uninstall network-manager
  3. Install network-manager
  4. uninstall wicd

Now it works flawless.