New member. Renaming files issue

Hi there, I'm a new member of this forum and happy to be here, using Mate.

Would appreciate any help with an issue I'm currently having. I have a problem renaming files, my computer has the "volume down" set to the F2 key. When trying to rename a file using this shortcut the volume goes down and can't rename. Is there a workaround to get F2 to rename or any other shortcut I could use/set to rename?

Thank you.

Can't you map volume down to another key?

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Hi @paulactea, I may be way off but this sounds suspiciously like many laptops using F1, F2, F3 as Mute, Vol-, Vol+ respectively.

To get a real F2, it may take a function "Fn" key along with that key. I also see BIOS settings to reverse these like this video.

Hope this helps. I'm a big user of hotkeys and HAVE to have F2! :slight_smile:

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Thank you Bill, you hit the nail right on the head. Fn + F2 does the trick :grinning: Couldn't live without shortcuts either.


Thank you jmarkus, Fn + F2 did the trick :slightly_smiling_face: