-Sorry if this is the wrong place for questions like this, first time here-
I’ve recently found myself wanting to put Ubuntu on my new chromebook, and I’ve had no trouble finding easy to follow tutorials to do this using crouton. However, I can’t seem to find a way to install Ubuntu Mate using this method. Is it possible to do? If so any kind of help is very appreciated.
EDIT: Probably should mention, I want to use crouton so I can utilize swapping between Chrome OS and Ubuntu with a simple keyboard shortcut
I know this is a little old topic but from what I’vd read of Crouton there maybe an option already to install the mate desktop on ubuntu. But I have also read that someone installed KXStudio which is a derivitive of Kubuntu by installing the straight ubuntu then followed the instructions on KXStudio site to convert standard ubuntu into KXStudio. So I dont see where that would be different than using the instructions here.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Thar)
The Ubuntu MATE Developers utilize a MATE 1.8.1 PPA Repo ported from Debian for use with the Trusty (14.04) Ubuntu MATE Remix.
Add Repository
You may add this repo to your apt sources via the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/trusty-mate
Install MATE 1.8.1
First make sure your package list and packages are up-to-date by running:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Vanilla MATE
You can choose to install Vanilla MATE by picking one of the apt-get options below.
This will install the base packages required for a minimal MATE desktop
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-core
This will install the complete MATE desktop
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment
This will install the complete MATE desktop including a few extras (Most Users Will Want This)
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extras
Ubuntu MATE
Alternatively you may choose to install Ubuntu MATE Remix.
Ubuntu MATE is a more comprehensive option that offers a slightly tweaked layout, configuration, and themes to integrate into Ubuntu in a more seamless fashion. This will install the complete MATE Desktop Environment as well as LightDM and numerous other applications to provide a full and well rounded desktop.
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop
I like Mate in Ubuntu very much, but like in other flavors I always end up removing half of the software replacing it with what I actually use for work. I don’t like music player, picture collecting software and so on… I would like to have fully functional desktop+basic-tools+file manager+network+pulseaudio+softwaremanager without anything else… What needed I can install myself. As anybody else - I have my own tools that I prefer to use…
Would it be possible for you to specify which are the essential elements of Mate to work as a desktop without programs like browser, office, mail, players etc. Basic display, startup, connectivity, package manager, user and file manager not anything more.
Is the Mate-core doing exactly that?
Best regards