No more indicators in Ubuntu Mate 16.10?

I’ve upgraded Ubuntu from 16.04 to 16.10 two days ago and it seems that I don’t have indicators in the panel anymore. I now have a basic volume control icon in the systray, the network icon is in the systray too… The same goes for some status icons that appeared as indicators previously (Tranmission, Steam…)

It appears that I can no longer put the General Notification Applet (that is supposed to gather all the installed indicators) in the panel. Putting it there simply does nothing; or it’s invisible because it can’t find indicators, I’m not sure.

I don’t know if it comes from the migration from Gtk2 to Gtk3 or if I’m missing some packages. Are indicators supposed to be still supported in Ubuntu 16.10 / Mate 1.16.0?

Indicators are here to stay. It’s likely that the configuration have diverged since upgrading to 16.10 - so it doesn’t know whether to show indicators or the non-indicator versions.

In MATE Tweak, try disabling the indicators, then enabling it again - this will put the configuration back into place - but beware this will destroy your panels back to the default.

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Ok, it seems to work, thanks. It looks a bit buggy (the Steam icon is huge) but I’see to sort this out.

EDIT: just one more question: is there a way to easily choose which indicator are displayed (i.e. hide specific ones)? I now have the messages indicator that I don’t need. I guess I can simply uninstall it but just in case this can be tweaked…

It does. GTK+2 indicators were in indicator-application-gtk2 and indicator-sound-gtk2 packages. They're not picked up by GTK+3 build of mate-indicator-applet. GTK+3 indicators are in indicator-application, indicator-sound and other indicator-* packages (without -gtk2 suffix).

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