I am stuck with a issue that stoped the camera module from loading I’m using a pi3 with ubuntu mate + NoIR PiCamera V2.
I’m writing a ROS node for the picamera and it was working, I am doing doing some vision processing and I needed to stop the auto white balance so I read the picamera API and saw that I could use the camera.awb_mode = ‘off’ setting to lock the awb. once I did this and ran the program again I just got a black screen so I decided to test more and the camera (driver??) was not working I checked it by running “raspistill -o out.jpg” and I got the errors,
mmal: mmal_vc_component_enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC
mmal: camera component couldn’t be enabled
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates
I did a google search but only found information that suggest the latest firmware is not installed however I have already done all of these steps when I first connect it. So in frustration I decided to start with a fresh image and reinstall ROS, and OPENCV and all the other packages that are needed. ( very time consuming )
That fixed the problem and I was able to run my NoIR camera again. I just changed the same line of code again to see if that was really what caused the problem and bingo bango the module has stoped working again and I cannot get it to work.
Could someone please help me work out what is actually happening here… I’m still a noob with linux.
Thanks Ben