SO I finally made the incursion into Linux world and chose Ubuntu MATE to do it. Has it been easy NOPE not even close, in fact the lure of Microsoft is sitting just an Amazon click away BUT knowing you folks are out there to help me back is a form of Microsoft anonymous meeting. Right now I have just finished watching a video made by Steve cook to help me try and resolve an issue, YEP you read that right, the guy ON CHRISTMAS EVE sat down and made a youtube video to show me how to do something. LAH7 has been helping me WITHOUT giggling throughout this process INCLUDING the moment he found out he was dealing with a moron who couldn’t even get the fracking card manufacturer right!!! Don’t get me started on Wolfman who is always there with an apposite solution to all things MATE. In short you ARE the guys on the wall which seperate noobs like me from falliing back into microsoft world and I thank you for that.
have a VERY happy xmas and see you in the new year
I have a HUGE book ( linux bible) for xmas
a grateful theakson