Parental controls

Hello everyone,

is there an easy way to block some sites for children's usage?

I have tried to add entries to the /etc/hosts file but then i wasn't able anymore to browse the net (with 16.04 it worked fine). For example taking sites from here:

Other ideas? I have seen there are two opendns dns servers to filter a bit too, but if it will connect to another net they won't be used if not configured.

Family shield:

Thank you in advance.

Edit: sorry i've posted this in the wrong section

I have downloaded the hosts from here:

And copypasting it this way, leaving the first lines (the pasted part starts with #This host file and so on.

It works fine. Would be cool anyway to find out an auto updating way or other info about this topic. Thank you in advance.

/etc/hosts       localhost       matepc

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

# This hosts file is a merged collection of hosts from reputable sources,
# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github
# Date: 18 February 2019 18:52:54 (UTC)
# Extensions added to this file: fakenews, gambling, porn, social
# Number of unique domains: 54,729
# Fetch the latest version of this file:
# Project home page:
# Project releases:

Hello francesco, hello everyone

The topic of parental controls is a subject the Gnome team are actively getting into:

It will be a while before they bring a solution, but it's good to know that it is on their "to-do" list. :slightly_smiling_face:

We may see it appear later in Ubuntu-Mate..., as @Wimpy has previously said he would like to see Ubuntu-Mate become more children-friendly.

Let's hope the Gnome solution can be easily ported to Ubuntu-Mate. :penguin: :penguin: