PDF forms completion software?

Is there any software I can use on Mate to fill in detail on a pdf form?
Ray Pitts

pdfedit was a program that used to be available in the repos. But, that seems to have been pulled for some reason.

However, I have had a hunt around and there is another editor available. Still not in the repos. But is available as a downloadable Deb from their website

The Website is:


The download link is:


I’ve just installed it and it works on UM 16.04 64 bit



I’ve used master PDF Editor in years gone by. Having just read about it in Linux Welt 2014-6 pages 106-107 I remembered it and loaded the 64 bit deb package. As it didn’t come from the repositories or a ppa I scanned the deb package with ESET antivirus for Linux. ESET didn’t detect any problems.

It works. :grinning:
OCR on PDF files (images) scanned with simple scan works! In English and French. :relaxed:

As I understand it, this is “freeware” i.e. propriatary software made available for use free of charge (for non-professional use).

Thank you to the folks at code-industry for making this available (.deb / .rpm / tar.gz). :slight_smile:

UM 16.04.1 64 bit


Just downloaded and installed. Really nice. Thanks Alpine John

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