Podcast applications

Hello, I'm looking at trying to setup a PC or device to help an elderly non technical mum with poor eye sight listen to podcasts and maybe play audio books as well. Trying to not be locked in to the "goooogl' world and set up something within the linux , pie arrangement.
Would appreciate any ideas, thanks.

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Are you just looking to subscribe to these for her or are you intending to install something for her to manage on her own? Because it's possible to add podcasts to Rhythmbox, the default music player but if you are expecting her to manage adding subscriptions herself a different application with podcast discoverability might be better.

Hi bornagainpenguin, I'm thinking setting up every thing from scratch, taking into account that she will not be able to manage programs like Rhythmbox, i will start things off and when she decides which type of podcasts she likes, we can setup subscriptions or what ever then. At the moment I'm still looking at what type of device we can setup.
I saw VLC and Rhythmbox could be used, also I'm not clued up on podcasts so i have to sort it out for myself too.
Also when i tried to open Rhythmbox in me Mate PC, i discovered that there is a problem with it, my PC crashes every time.
O well, back to the drawing board.

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Maybe Kodi would be useful here? There is an iTunes Podcast addon. I forget the name of it. Maybe that could work?


Hello Gege

I have used "gpodder" in the past. Currently, I use "Liferea". They may be in the "Ubuntu-Mate Software Boutique", if not they can be installed with the packet-manager "Synaptic". You have to decide if they would be useful for your non-technical family member. :slightly_smiling_face: