(PPC) Booting Ubuntu Mate 16.4 black screen

Hi everyone! Currently, I'm having a bit of an issue with my eMac 1Ghz PowerPC computer (eMac with ATI GPU) while installing Mate 16.4.

I downloaded and check the iso image to check for errors (it was a clean image).
I used my intel iMac to write the image to a USB (Making sure that the partition was Apple Partition Map).
after that I plugged the usb into the powerpc and, while holding ALT, clicking on the icon to boot the device.
At the welcome screen, I simply pressed 'enter' saying it will boot "live".
The screen turns white for a moment as OpenFirmware does its thing then turns black.
Now, this is where I'm stumped. No matter how long I leave the computer, I am stuck on a black screen with no output at all.

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out this issue to help others in my position! :smiley:

For anyone stuck with this issue. I have got the live image to boot into GUI mode using this at the "live" part
live video=radeonfb:off video=offb:off radeon.modeset=1 radeon.agpmode=-1