Not a big problem, in fact my only problem so far, but my computer won’t suspend automatically after one hour. It suspends OK when I hit the sleep button on my keyboard. I have adjusted all the settings I could find, but still my computer won’t suspend automatically. Any idea what could be causing this?
Are you running a vanilla install? Which release-level are you running? Are you talking about a desktop or laptop?
Or post the terminal output of:
inxi -S
Thanks for your replies, cp and v3xx. Here’s the output of the command:
michael@michael-GT5656:~$ sudo inxi -S
[sudo] password for michael:
System: Host: michael-GT5656 Kernel: 4.4.0-66-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
Desktop: MATE 1.12.1 Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
M y computer is a Gateway desktop, about 8-9 years old. 64 bit, 6 GB ram, 6150se mobo, 8400GS graphic card, 3Ghz cpu dual channel Athlon.
@mdiemer what OS were you running before installing ubuntu-mate? Was suspend working okay on that OS?
I had Ubuntu 16.04 on that partition. I also have Zorin 12 on another partition of the drive, which is a Seagate 500 GB.
Edit: yes, suspend was working OK on both.
Could you please check which window manager you are using? If it’s Marco with Compton GPU compositor then it could be causing this. If so try switching to Compiz or one of the other Marco options and see if power management begins to function correctly again.
Thanks for the tip, Vtv. I tried your suggestion, but the problem persists.
I have had weird desktop issues before with this computer. For example, Deepin would not wake up from suspend properly - no desktop. So it may be something with my equipment.
One thing I wonder about: would it make sense to switch to different video drivers? It’s using the default noveau ones.
Sorry it didn’t help. Unfortunately I don’t have an Nvidia card so I’m not sure if installing the proprietary drivers would help with this issue or not. I suppose you could try it and if it doesn’t work then go back to the noveau driver.
Well, today I hit the sleep button, and lo and behold, the computer went to sleep! No idea what changed, maybe the update I did yesterday? Anyway, problem appears to be solved. I’ll give it a little time, and if this holds up, I’ll mark it solved.
Please excuse the brain fart. I forgot that the original problem was not failure to suspend when hitting the sleep button, but rather failure to automatically suspend. That problem remains.