Istaled but then this: No room on /boot for updates, this helped ‘sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade’ and then i can not restart becouse off ‘at-spi-registryd.dektop’ still running, this wont help ‘sudo caja’ /usr/lib/at-spi2-core
And error failed to start load kerel modules. When i shut down and on, Rasberry runs on black sreen.
its dos not haw power buton and spring to take out MicroSD
i use hdmi to vga.
My 2A Charger blow up, whit mobile charger after second power on it has black srean, and internet cable also dont work only Wi-Fi
Chargers for mobile phones may look similar, but won’t do the job (not intended to provide for the sustained demand).
Your earlier complaint about lack of space is treated in an earlier thread in this forum (and there may be a problem with the commands used, in the Pi context)