Progress report as we approach 18.04 Beta 2

I’m having some issues with the dock (v0.85 from beta2+today updates) when trying to tweak the Mutiny layout to my taste (not sure if something is related to this bug):

  • the dock doesn’t activate another running program when draging a file from caja over the program icon
  • The Panel Options dialog don’t show the Dock size options the first time is opened (you have to close and reopen it)
  • The Panel Options dialog is not shown (sometimes) in the dock and if you minimize it, it disappears and never shows again (the dialog is not modal)

These issues seems to be working fine now:

  • when using the Indicator type = Subway, the dock moves over the icon of the mate menu
  • the System Monitor applet forces the width of the panel as the height of the monitor when used in a vertical panel
  • the order of the applets in the panel changes after reset (the dock moves after the trash bin)