Question on window tiling


I’m thinking of switching to Ubuntu MATE from kubuntu on a couple of older machines, and I’m curious if it’s possible to tile windows not just to the east and west, but also to the corners (NE, NW, SE, SW). This is something I use all the time, so it’s a bit of a deal breaker for me. If it’s not currently possible, would anybody else find it useful enough that we might get some mass behind a feature request?

Yes it’s possible to tile windows to the corners (NE, NW, SE, SW) in Ubuntu MATE.
I use the compiz windows manager in Ubuntu MATE.

I’ve switched from Kubuntu over a year ago and I found that the MATE Desktop not only customizable but stable too.

It also works in basic Marco. Actually this section of the Welcome splash screen lists the bindings:

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Thanks folks! I didn’t see any option in the keyboard shortcut settings for it though. Ho can I change these in the default setup? Sorry for the noob-ish questions, but I’ve been using KDE about forever and I guess I’ve just gotten too comfortable there.

Those shortcuts are listed under "Window Management", but instead of "Numpad X" there's a different interpretation of the keys:

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Saw those, but that just does a “move” without the resizing that I’d expect from tiling.

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I’m stuck with only movement as well. I’m fairly certain Compiz can do tiling proper, but I’d really rather use Marco. It seems so strange that it can tile in left and right but not the rest.

Has anyone found a way to do this yet?

@tpdly - proper corner tiling was added to Marco in MATE 1.20, which is only on Ubuntu 18.04. I don’t recall what the default keyboard shortcuts are, but they are there under Marco gsettings :slight_smile:

I just checked and the default for tiling is disabled in upstream Marco. I couldn’t find if Ubuntu MATE overlays it with sane defaults, so you’ll probably need to add the shortcuts yourself.

Drag and drop tiling, however, is enabled by default :slight_smile:

@vkareh - Wow, you’re fast! Thanks!
I ended up switching to Compiz, and it is in fact working (with very simple default shortcuts on the numpad).
This is all in MATE over Ubuntu 16.04 for me; I’ll be glad to try Marco again when I update.

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