Recover from system crash

I have an Nvidia NV44A (GeForce 6200) video card. Evidently, it is not completely compatible with the nouveau drivers. When I run inxi -CG, I get an error message that the drivers are not loading correctly.

The recommended driver from Additional Drivers is the Nvidia 304.132. There is, however, a more recent driver on nvidia's website. Nvidia 304.134. I have installed both of these drivers with the same result. After installing and rebooting I cannot get back into my system. The screen freezes at the Nvidia logo.

I thought that the problem was with xserver-xorg, so I removed that. It didn't help, and I was now locked out of my system with no video drivers. So I reinstalled xorg from a TTY in recovery mode. Now when I go to Additional Drivers it tells me that I have manually installed drivers, so I can't select anything from there.

The interesting thing is that I have the exact same driver installed on my 16.10 Mate partition, and it seems to be doing fine. I had wanted to keep 16.04 LTS as my main system, and use the 16.10 partition for experimenting with new software.

However, it seems that the only way to get the Nvidia drivers to work might be to upgrade to 16.10.

Now that 16.04.2 is out, I'm thinking it may just be easier to do a reinstall. However, I'm afraid I may still be faced with a driver conflict.