Refresh F5 desktop background

What is the command to refresh the desktop background, the same event as F5? I need it because when I set the display, from my monitor only to my TV only (with script), the wallpaper is not resized and it flickering. So, I press F5 to refresh the background.

"killall caja" should reload your desktop, including reloading your wallpaper

It's too extrem for me. I edit my first post to explain more. I just want the F5 refresh command for the background.

gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/path/to/your/background.jpg' refreshes the desktop background.

You can add a rendering option with:
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-options 'option'.
Available options: 'none', 'wallpaper', 'centered', 'scaled', 'stretched', 'zoom', 'spanned'.

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Based on your reply Utsuro, I experienced a trick that did the job:
my script...
sleep 1s
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-options "zoom"
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-options "stretched"