Removal of "Software Manager" in MATE Menu displeases me

Now, I understand that Wimpress wanted to provide an alternative to USC because it’s a flaming bag of dog crap at this point. But, removal of the software manager button in MATE Menu is a little jarring (just a tiny bit) for somebody coming from Linux Mint, such as myself. With alternatives such as App Grid, it is beyond comprehension why has a lack of this first button, and why the second button in the code is Synaptic first, USC else.

In Linux Mint, there’s a reason why these two things are separate; One is to install entire suites of software (viewing just metapackages with reviews), and the other is to manage said software by installing extra libs that are either not included, or are required to fix a certain aspect of one piece of software. One piece of software is wholly automated, while the other requires you to fuss about a bit.

So why not install Mint Menu? Because MATE Menu is practically the same. I could install Mint Menu and modify its file to open whatever I want for software manager, but why bother when an exact equivalent is already there? The rub is, I can’t seem to re-add it into MATE Menu no matter how hard I try, so I am left with either installing Mint Menu and using it in place of MATE Menu, or having a patch for something that does the exact same thing under a different banner.

So I ask; Is there anyone willing to make some patch files that will re-include Software Manager as a system plugin button that doesn’t crash MATE menu? The same code for the Package Manager button can be used in the Software Manager button, with it preferring App Grid over USC, and the Package Manager button can be expressly for Synaptic, once again as it is in Linux Mint.

The preference in is there because we believe that people who install synaptic prefer that above Ubuntu Software Centre. So, synaptic is the main choice, if you installed it.

May I ask why Mate Menu should be the same as in Linux Mint, if you can just install Mint Menu? I do prefer the current settings as I do not use USC or the Software Boutique after my first install. I prefer Synaptic.


Unlike Terminator, Nemo or XScreensaver, Mint Menu doesn’t offer anything more over MATE Menu. In fact, it’s the same exact functionality, only slightly more stripped down. Why should I have to install the same thing twice?

If Wimpress is so hell-bent on keeping that disabled, MATE Menu has the capability of turning off specific features; he could had just shipped MATE Menu with the Software Manager dconf booleen set to false instead of completely stripping it out.