Does anyone know how to rename multiple files at once?
I done seem to be able to do it, the rename option when I right click the rename option is greyed out. F2 doesn't work either.
I can rename single files no problem.
It seems that caja-rename is already installed on Ubuntu Mare 19.10 but I still don't have the option to rename multiple files.
Yes I do, even if I created a folder on the desktop and put some new files in there it doesn't work.
I got done what I was trying to via the command line but it was a bit of a pain.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#Kim Briggs 2004-10
# RENAME files with new TEXT NAME having NUMBERS FIRST.
# Allows for adding 1-off names and keeping order.
# No photo alterations.
#Initialize counter
$i = 1;
#Get the new base name of photos
print "Base name of photos (no ext): ";
chomp($basename = <>);
#Load all jpgs into an array. Remove trailing line feed.
@pix = `ls *.JPG *.jpg`;
foreach $pix (@pix) {
chomp $pix;
if ($i < 10)
{$newname = "0".$i."-".$basename.".jpg";}
elsif (($i >= 10) && ($i < 100))
{$newname = $i."-".$basename.".jpg";}
else {warn "Number of files out of range.";}
#Use system command to rename file.
system 'mv', $pix, $newname;
$i = $i+1