Replacing a "home" drive

I have a computer that can hold exactly 2 hard drives, running Ubuntu Mate.
I set the second drive to the "home" folder at installation. I have run aut of space. I have a new 2 TB HD that I would like to use to replace the "home" drive. Any suggestions on how? I have tried several things, but none hae worked. Ideally I would like a utility to copy with the new drive connected via USB, then move the new drve to the installed position. This is not essential as all of the data is backed up properly.

As a last resort, I will wait until 20-04 is ready and "nuke & pave".

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

If you've already copied the files, this should simply be a matter of editing /etc/fstab.

If you want a GUI way of doing it (which will take way longer to deal with) you can use gnome-disks as root / sudo. Provided the files you want already exist on the new partition you can de-assign the partition presently used as home (by changing or removing its mount point) and specifying the mount point of the replacement media's partition to be /home.

Make sure to open /etc/fstab and comment out the old home entry in advance — you can always remove the new home entry and de-comment the old one to restore the prior configuration.

When copying don't forget about the - otherwise hidden - .filename files and folders, where most of your configuration settings lie.

Caja > View > Show Hidden Files

Been there, done that!

Oooh yeah, good point! I wouldn't think he'd forget about those.

If one is not sure, * is always an option for path to transfer all contents of a disk with cp.

I tried to follow directions above. I managed to totally hose my system. Now my question is how to get a USB drive set up to instal l20.04. I will simpley start over, but I cannot remember how to get the download so it will install, and I could not find instructions. Simply a link pointing to the directions for a newbie should suffice.

Hello lpmorgan1

You might find this useful:

Hope it helps. :slightly_smiling_face: