Right click on folder to share!

Hey i really loved 16.04 … And much of the reason i loved it was thanks to GRAPHICAL interface for things i found hard to get done in other distros, even linux mint, prior to moving on to Ubuntu MATE.

First the positive about MATE so i can make my point clear:

A HUGE thing for me was being able to find all scanners and printers set up with just a couple of mouseclicks. A couple of more mouseclicks and i had partitioned NTFS to ext4 and mounted 5 tb of harddisk realestate into the “documents” and “videoclips” folders, plus set up an automatic weekly backup of the document folder into a dedicated backup partition on another harddrive. This was HUGE for me, im used to windows and for the first time ever in linux i did not have to go trough hours of googling and guides for getting basic stuff like this done, such as setting up “cron” etc. This was awsome!

… and now for my point and suggestion:

The only thing that i did have to stress with, was setting up samba shares on my home network. This wasnt so easy. First i had to change permissions to folders (not hard using caja as root) but then i had to install samba and caja share trough synaptic. This would be much easier if it was there by default. Maybe even an improved (and translate) caja share plugin, where you can set things like share password etc right in caja. If not enabled by default (if its a security risk), a checkbox in the caja share plugin to enable samba. Set up like this out of the box with a few mouseclicks to make a home network server !!!

Hope you take my sincere suggestion into consideration, which means the next linux release would result in 0 googling and terminaluse for me.

The Marius

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If I may offer a slightly different take on this:

Why not make it a step in the "Getting Started" sequence of the Welcome splash screen?
For instance, "Setting Up Your Network Shares", right there between Backup and Firewall:

That would be a good compromise that would not add weight to the installation image, IMO.


Caja Share is one click away from the Software Boutique, It’s under “Servers”, which installs caja-share and samba.

I like your idea @ouroumov, I’ll note down to add that. Thanks for the suggestion. :slight_smile:


Even @Wimpy liked the suggestion of including Samba in the Getting Started section.

It should land in the Xenial Updates PPA soon. :slight_smile:

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