Run 2 commands for launcher?

Is there a way I can run both commands for this launcher?

amixer -D pulse sset Master 60%
kblocks -qwindowtitle %c

Not sure I understand your question correctly, but in case I did - you can try adding && between the two commands and see if it works.

Unfortunately It did not work.

Hi :slight_smile:
Make a script inside /opt/ with your 2 lines like this (let's say /opt/ ):

amixer -D pulse sset Master 60%
kblocks -qwindowtitle %c

Next make it executable :

sudo chmod +x /opt/

Next call /opt/ inside your launcher.

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Sorry to arrive late, but I thought I should tell you the solution I use.

Just execute the shell, which executes those two commands:

sh -c "amixer -D pulse sset Master 60% ; kblocks -qwindowtitle %c"

This actually might work a little better than @olek's suggestion, because in a shell script %c is usually meaningless; I think he may have meant to include "$@" instead?

Thanks, your solution works better since I can add it directly to the panel instead of having to write a separate bash script.