I am using a RPI3 with six external drives, running UM 6.04 as a file/media server. When using system-samba-config to share the drives, each drive appears multiple times in the list. For example, a drive labeled SGbackup will appear as SGbackup, SGbackup1 and SGbackup2. (Only the last one can be accessed. ) In all, I am seeing eighteen shared drives where there should only be six. Any suggestions?
Hi @jackrooster,
have you checked your partition layout and do you have secondary partitions within the partitions you have?, try using Gparted to check!:
sudo apt-get install gparted parted
Each drive only appears once on the desktop, in Caja and in Dolphin on the RPi. It’s only in Samba (when selecting which drives or folders to share) where they appear multiple times. For the first week or so, each drive was only listed once. Then, a second copy appeared. I could live with that. It stayed this was for about 3 weeks. Yesterday, a third copy appeared for each drive. Each drive only has one partition.
Try taking a look here as I don’t use it and cannot really help you further!:
Thanks for your reply. I try to avoid the command line because: 1. I don’t know Linux very well, 2. The majority of the times that I try to follow directions, the author assumes that the user is a Linux whiz and crucial steps are left out. This has happened countless times and is why I spent 3 months setting up the RPi. I’ve been thinking about starting a website for people like me that prefer GUIs. I spent many days trying to use the command line to accomplish something only to later discover there was an easy to use GUI available. GUI-based operating systems like Mac and Windows are the reason computers became common household appliances.
I apologize for my little rant. It was something I’d been thinking about for awhile and it just popped out. PS: I’ve started working on the website “Noobies United!” which will be focused on GUI apps for Terminalphobes like myself.