Screen Flash in FullScreen App

Why Screen flash in application running in full screen mode?

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Please provide the output of:

inxi -CG


Also are you using compositing?

CPU: Dual core Intel Pentium B960 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB
clock speeds: max: 2200 MHz 1: 989 MHz 2: 905 MHz
Graphics: Card-1: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
Card-2: NVIDIA GF108M [GeForce 610M]
Display Server: X.Org 1.18.3 driver: intel Resolution: [email protected]
GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel Sandybridge Mobile x86/MMX/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.2

Sorry for late ! :slight_smile:

I'm using this window manager.

Try compiz and compton (under window manager).

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