I’ve followed some info on raspberrypi.org to get Pi3 set up for booting from other than SDcard, and have RaspBian on a USBstick from which I can boot directly.
I tried a couple of things to parallel this to get the ubuntu-mate 16.04 boot from USB stick but, so far, no success.
Has anyone tried this?
You need to copy new version of start.elf and bootcode.bin form raspbian for exmaple in your mate boot partition.
It will work after
Thanks for thar. I did copy bincode.bin, but not start.elf
Later: ok, it’s now booting, but doesn’t get all the way.
I have a log to check - may reveal the steps I forgot
Thanks again for the insight
I can write a new tutorial about it if you want. I was waiting 16.10 to do it because it may include new boot files but I think there will not be a new release for now.
You can add swap partition too for better performance
I will try to do it this weekend.
That would be greatly appreciated
Hi. I’m having the same problem. I did copy bootcode.bin, start.elf and start_x.elf from Raspbian, but the Ubuntu 16.04 won’t boot. I’m using Raspberry pi3 Model B, and set program_usb_boot_mode=1. Raspbian boots ok. Can someone help me? Thanks!
@aworan, I’m trying to boot Ubuntu Mate from a USB stick, but no success. I’m using Raspberry pi 3 Model B with USB boot enabled. Can you help me, please? Thanks!
Is there any solution to this yet (SD-less booting Ubuntu 16.04.2 on a Raspberry Pi 3)?