Software Boutique, Internet ... error on Remmina

UM 16.04 … in Software Boutique, Internet, it shows that I have Remmina installed. I click on the Trash to remove, it tells me package does not exist. But then I click on Launch and Remmina starts. BTW, Boutique is updated with the latest packages prior to this. Any ideas? thx.

Let me add … this happens on a Desktop, upgraded from 15.10->16.04 When I tried on a clean 16.04 install, this behaviour does not happen, I’m able to install remmina and then remove remmina from Boutique w/o issues.

I bet it's because the Boutique is trying to remove some other packages that would otherwise have been installed from the Boutique.

These are the ones the Boutique installs/removes:


Graphically, you could tell the Boutique to re-install, then remove it... or resort to a package manager (i.e. Synaptic) or terminal:

sudo apt-get remove remmina

Thank you. on that Desktop,
dpkg -l | grep remmina | awk ‘{print $2}’ gives me only 4 packages …
remmina, remmina-common, remmina-plugin-rdp, remmina-plugin-vnc