[SOLVED] How to change Mate Menu size?

I wonder how to change Mate Menu size?

I want to get more usable space out of it.

right-click on menu >> preferences >> system

tick allow scrollbar and change the height

Good point, I was confusing it with other options that just give you “imaginable” space without changing actual dimentions

What about width?

i don’t know how to change width - maybe somebody else can help?

The wight and height of Mate Menu can be changed via dconf or dconf-editor . Install dconf-editor if you don't have it . Navigate to org/mate/mate-menu/plugins . You will see applications , places ,recent , system_managment . If you wan't to change general size go to applications and change height and wight . Right click the applet and click reload plugins . And it will change sizes like this :


An old topic but solution is not working.

Just want to resize my Mate Menu. I need to increase width.
Ubuntu Mate

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In 18.04 dconf design is a bit different but works the same.

Choose different aspects of mate-menu and change what you want

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