[SOLVED] Seeing WIndows Network Computers on RaspPi 2 B install

I have just installed the RaspPi 2 version of Ubuntu Mate and the file manager sees Windows Network when I browse the network but no windows computers or networked drive is shown. I have edited the smb.conf file to have the correct workgroup name. The network is through a wired router. Internet works. The networked printer works. What do I need to do to see and access the other computers on the network on the UbuntuMate install?

I have not set up any shares on the UbuntuMate so I do not expect to see Ubuntu on the other pcs network window, but I would like to be able to have UbuntuMate access the shared folders and drives on those PCs.

Thank you in advance. Any help appreciated.

Resolved this issue on my own.

Please tell us how so we can all benefit :slight_smile:

I followed this tutorial -

I cannot get Samba GUI to open - as I have asked about on another thread, but if you install caja-share you can create shared files on the Ubuntu side with Caja. This puts a share folder option into the caja folder right click menu.

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