Synapse crashes in 15.10?

In a new VM of 15.10, I installed Synapse via Welcome. (I think this uses a PPA.)

I can launch Synapse, but as soon as I type anything it crashes. Anyone else seeing this?


can’t type anything into it. just crash

PS did you manage to get the panel-dock-applet to work?

I was just trying that again, but no luck, even after installing the package the developer suggested in the Github issue. I still need to try running via the terminal as they suggested to see if there are any error messages.

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The Dock Applet author replied with new instructions before I was able to post. I will give it a go this weekend.

An updated post in the launcher thread led me to try Albert again. I had liked it when I first tried it, but it needed more development.

There has been a lot more development now, and the Github readme has also been updated to list the Ubuntu dependencies – most of these packages have very different Debian/Ubuntu names – so it’s easy to try the latest version instead of waiting for the Webupd8 PPA.

I have only used it for a few minutes, but I prefer it to Synapse, even when it is working. :wink:


i’ve tried the new instructions for the dock applet and am pleased to report that it seems to work fine. :smile:

i’ll also have a look at the new albert - like yourself, I tried it a coupla months ago, and thought that it wasn’t quite there yet

I tested Synapse on Ubuntu MATE 15.10 daily last night, from the PPA and official archive. Both segfault. I’ve sent a crash report that got discarded because the issue was detected as a duplicate of a private bug :grimacing:

I contacted the Synapse developer, but I don’t expect this to get fixed in this for 15.10 :cry:

I decided to give Albert a test and ended up making a PPA for it :smile:

Just disable the Files plugin, that is causing Albert to regularly segfault at the moment.

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i’m pleased to report that synapse seems to work ok now for me in 15.10 - yippee!

i personally prefer synapse, as its fuzzy search seems smarter - for example, type ffx in synapse and it will launch firefox

also i can type things like “gksudo caja” into synapse to launch programs as root.

isn’t it great that we’ve got some choice? - would be boring if everyone had to run the same software! :grin:

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For me it still crashes. It works fine if launched through the terminal with sudo. I tried both the stable and testing versions, but both crash in normal use. Any tips?

Can’t offer any tips I’m afraid - it just works for me on my desktop and laptop, both on 15.10

I have the problem with hanging synapse on my 2 Ubuntu Mate 15.10 desktops. It used to work for few months and then it started to hang all the time I’m writing something into it. When I open synapse with sudo the problem doesn’t occur. This is output:

[INFO 22:19:53.733496] [synapse-main:268] Starting up…
[INFO 22:19:53.796550] [synapse-main:211] Binding activation to Super_L
[INFO 22:19:53.806864] [view-base:251] Screen is composited.
[INFO 22:19:53.807482] [controller:59] Using xim input method.
[FATAL 22:19:53.884791] [GLib] g_hash_table_lookup: assertion ‘hash_table != NULL’ failed
[WARN 22:19:53.885893] [desktop-file-service:193] Unable to create AppInfo for /usr/share/mate/applications/tilda.desktop
[WARN 22:19:53.889170] [desktop-file-service:72] X-Cinnamon is not understood
[WARN 22:19:53.890613] [desktop-file-service:193] Unable to create AppInfo for /usr/share/applications/vim.desktop
[WARN 22:19:53.890934] [desktop-file-service:193] Unable to create AppInfo for /usr/share/applications/unity-deja-dup-panel.desktop
[WARN 22:19:53.901708] [desktop-file-service:193] Unable to create AppInfo for /usr/share/applications/brasero-nautilus.desktop
[WARN 22:19:53.922323] [ssh-plugin:116] /home/piotr/.ssh/config: Error opening file: No such file or directory
[INFO 22:19:53.965757] [hybrid-search-plugin:179] keeps in cache now 357 file names
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Report this to the Synapse team please. I’ve told them, they can’t reproduce. But it segfaults every time.