Systemd hit 15.04

Did an update of repositories and it appears systemd has hit. Was wondering if anyone has done the update yet and rebooted. I use this PC for work so I’m afraid to bite the bullet until I here a couple people have been successful. Would hate for this not to boot right when I get to work.

Thanks for making your sacrifice :wink:

Went smoothly for me.
You can saw the screenshots I made here.

Thanks for making the sacrifice. When I get to work I shall do the same.

Did it yesterday.
No issues.

Working good in my two computers, a MacPro 3.1 and a Samsung N150P. No problems.

I haven’t had any issues yet. All is well.

Good: My boot splash has changed from the plymouth mate text theme to the plymouth mate logo theme (as it should be).
Not so good: My boot time measured from grub menu to login has now increased by 30% (20 seconds to 26 seconds).