I see there is this forum and the Google+ page Are both going to continue to be updated? My limited knowledge about both leads me to prefer to go to one place to read discussion, not two.
Don’t be limited . Expand your horizons .
This forum is hosted by the Ubuntu MATE project. It is here to stay. On the other hand, if Google decides to drop plus like they have done many other projects, then you will end up here anyway.
Besides all the quesrions and comments are more organized and easier to navigate on this forum.
The Ubuntu MATE Community site hosted here is the official community site for Ubuntu MATE. The Google+ page will be around and continue to be posted to and updated but this is the prefered way to interact with the community.
Yeah, it’s probably just a matter of time before Google kills G+, or morphs it into some sort of single-sign-on service. It’s days as a “social” network are likely numbered.
It’s a shame it never got any momentum behind it… I like it so much better for following tech stuff than Twitter or FB.