Tiling window manager?

Is there any desire to provide an option for a tiling window manager? They are pretty popular and MATE can already integrate with it. Perhaps we could set up a default config of i3? The only thing that has to be worked on is a workspace panel indicator to the MATE panel.

Integrating mate with i3 is fairy easy .
Either you have to call mate-settings-daemon from i3 config .
or you need to replace marco as a requiered wm with i3 in mate-settings-daemon.
In both cases since i3 is not a stacking wm we must disable caja to draw the desktop as the desktop is a window and will be tiled among the other windows.

Yes, that is what I’m doing for my setup. I was just wondering if anyone thought it was a good idea to set this up by creating an option in MATE tweak similar to how people can choose Compton or compiz. I think a workspace indicator could be created using a shell script and this: https://github.com/fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor