I am convinced that Firefox takes longer to start than Seamonkey.
I would like to test how long it takes FF to start.
time firefox does not work.
Is there a way?
I am convinced that Firefox takes longer to start than Seamonkey.
I would like to test how long it takes FF to start.
time firefox does not work.
Is there a way?
Firefox, on Ubuntu distributions including MATE, is a Snap package which has a problem of a slow start on the first start. Sea Monkey may be a traditional Debian or Ubuntu package. Snap packages have gotten better but for some people they don’t work great.
I am not using a snap Firefox.
Off hand question how are you timing Seamonkey launch time? First thought to me low level set clock to show seconds and on tick start Firefox, crude method. Mine (not timed) varies depending on whether I updated it, restarted after system reboot (not often just on system required to reboot system updates). I'm lazy so don't normally restart it as then have to look up my forum passwords. Another non snap user here.
I was timing it using a watch.
I set my homepage to a blank html page for both FF and Seamonkey.
The startup times were very close.
You have me beat, haven't had a watch in years, worked as mechanic and kept breaking crystal. Now can leave phone on top of box out of danger. Thanks for reply back.
I have a solar watch. Doesn't need a battery change for 10 years.
When I wanted to get battery changed on my old watch, they wanted $20.
I don't always carry my cell phone.
I don't feel a need to always "be connected" to the world.
I would use a clock application on your cell phone.
Or maybe even this
firefox &
start=$( date +"%s" )
read -s -n1 -p "Press a key when firefox has started fully"
finish=$( date +"%s" )
echo "$(( finish - start )) seconds"
Or, to prevent firefox from stealing focus:
# because I hate typing
key="org.mate.Marco.general focus-new-windows"
# no blah on my screen for now
exec 2>/dev/null
# to prevent that firefox steals window focus (save current mode first)
windowfocus="$( gsettings get $key )" && gsettings set $key strict
# it starts here
firefox & start=$( date +"%s" )
read -s -n1 -p "Press a key when firefox has started fully"
finish=$( date +"%s" )
echo "$(( finish - start )) seconds"
# restoring original focus mode
gsettings set $key "$windowfocus"
It works well. Comparing Firefox to Seamonkey, they both took about the same time to start.