Tips on buying a graphics card

I intend to replace my 2 year old 1GB HD 7770 graphics card for my desktop. Any tips on how to make sure the one I’ll buy is supported by Ubuntu-Mate?

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I’d personally go with a modern NVIDIA card. Their proprietary drivers have not let me down. I’ve had no problems with a GTX 650 and GTX 960. :thumbsup:

In my experience, AMD drivers are hit-and-miss. I’ve experienced worst performance with the fglrx driver compared to the open source drivers which delivered better – these were on-board graphics. AMD are going to release a brand new driver in the summer (currently in beta), so this might change.

Intel have their drivers integrated into the kernel, so theirs should work “out of the box”. I can’t comment if they’re good for gaming or extensive 3D applications.

It depends what you need a graphics card for – gaming, 2D acceleration, 3D applications?


Hi @checkmate,

also make sure that whatever card you buy is supported by your mainboard!.

Is there any list of supported graphics card for Ubuntu this would really help when choosing one. I also read some were that , AMD was going bankrupt I don’t know how that would effect us that are using those cards

Hi Rob,

start here:

I haven't heard anything about AMD going broke?. :smiley:

AMD is in the process of building a up to date linux driver. I think its currently in beta. There not going anywhere.

Here's a list of supported video cards. Because of AMD driver development I am not sure if the ATI section applies to 16.04.

Well that’s good to know I seen one of the mods posted something to that effect about AMD but it’s nice to hear there not…