Tmp folder filling up

I agree. I tried monsta’s suggestion and edited the atril.thumbnailer file. That took care of the problem.

Thanks Bill. I think I’ll wait until the next point release. Hopefully Desktop 1.14 will be included. I followed monsta’s recommendation and edited the atril.thumbnailer file. That took care of my problem.

Has anyone tried using “Bleachbit”?:

Hey wolfman!

I use BleachBit on a regular basis and love it, but my problem was not how to get rid of the unnecessary files. My problem was that, if I left a folder open in Caja which contained an epub file, atril-thumbnailer would fill up my 60 GB / folder with thumbnails until I got an error message that I was out of space in that folder.

That’s a weird error message to get when you know that you supposedly have over 50 GB free. So, I’m glad you brought up BleachBit because, as the program warns you, don’t check on a box if you don’t know what you’re doing. I once cleaned out my ‘package lists’ and the Thunderbird ‘cache’. Not anything that couldn’t be downloaded again, but certainly a step that was completely unnecessary. :grimacing:


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HI Jim,

could you not blacklist atril-thumbnailer ?, I found this which might help you?:

Thanks Wolfman! I’ll give it a try if I have any further problems.

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File Explosion Problem Solved

Hi Bill,

I’m addressing this to you because you suggested a reinstall and, I believe, that was at least part of the solution. To explain the entire solution, let me give you a little background:

I built my present computer from a kit about three years ago. I read all the pros and cons about different setups and tried to set up my computer in the best possible way. I set up UEFI or UEFI first in the BIOS and set up my harddrive partition table as gpt.

Over the past three years, I have periodically had system crashes and had to reinstall linux. The last crash occurred about a week ago after installing the latest security updates.

Before reinstalling the system, I made the following changes:

  1. Updated (flashed) the BIOS to latest version
  2. Changed all BIOS setting from UEFI or UEFI first to Legacy or Legacy first
  3. Repartitioned my harddrive and changed the partition table from gpt to msdos
  4. Reinstalled Ubuntu-Mate

Atril-thumbnailer is still occasionally crashing, but the Atril-thumbnailer-XXXX file explosion has ceased. One (1) Atril-thumbnailer-xxxx folder shows up in the tmp folder for each epub file (as others here have noted).

I’ll let you guys debate the merits of the changes I made, but, IMHO Ubuntu is designed to run on a msdos partition in legacy mode. While it can be run under UEFI on a gpt partition, that system introduces an inherent instability which will result in periodic unexplainable crashes.

Well, I know I’ve thrown out a can of worms. I’m interested in hearing you guy’s thoughts.


LATER: After responding to another post on a different subject, I went to Caja Preferences. On the Preview tab, I changed Text Files to Never. This has solved my problem of Atril crashing and NO Atril-thumbnailer-xxxx folders are being put in the tmp folder.

Thanks everyone,


Hi Jim,

I would do exactly as you did but legacy boot and partitions are what I’m more familiar. It’s likely just a “Luddite factor”. :slight_smile:

I would guess the Legacy/MSDOS condition is not responsible for the Atril explosions but it certainly isn’t impossible. I’m glad it’s working more normally for you, now. Thanks for the update.

My first computer had 256k of RAM and ran DOS 3.2. There were no such things as “drivers” to make the hardware work. You just plugged it in and it worked. The computers of today would not exist if technology had not advanced beyond the hardware standard of compatibility, but it certainly makes it much harder to know what will work and what won’t. It creates problems, sometimes, for which there is no answer and mysteries which will never be solved!!:wink: