Trying to install a script from terminal and it says "try to connect to Internet then try again"

I have a link to a script that I have installed many times to support my case. I am able to browse the Internet, but when I try to install the script from the terminal it says I have no Internet connection. How do I get around this?

Hey there :slight_smile:

Please share this script with us, we will try to help :slight_smile:

curl | bash

I just tried it on another install not Mate and it worked, no errors.

I assume you have a Pi ... The code installs a few packages (raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools) so if you don't have internet, that install will fail.

I think its coming from here (inside the script) :

pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)
for curpkg in ${pkglist[@]}; do
	sudo apt-get install -y $curpkg
	RESULT=$(argon_check_pkg "$curpkg")
	if [ "NG" == "$RESULT" ]
		echo "********************************************************************"
		echo "Please also connect device to the internet and restart installation."
		echo "********************************************************************"

Looks like some of this packets didn't got installed - maybe not available. Please do try installing them manually before running the script again :slight_smile: :

sudo apt install raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools

I get an error unable to locate package raspi-gpio

This will be the reason.
I don't have a RPi to test it out, but I found that :

Download this script, get out this dependency from there and run the script again :slight_smile:

I am a novice and not sure how to use the script! Thanks.

Give it a try like this :

Download the file :
curl > /tmp/

Edit it with nano :
nano /tmp/
or pluma :
pluma /tmp/

Search for this block inside the file : 
    pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)
    for curpkg in ${pkglist[@]}; do
    	sudo apt-get install -y $curpkg
    	RESULT=$(argon_check_pkg "$curpkg")
    	if [ "NG" == "$RESULT" ]
    		echo "********************************************************************"
    		echo "Please also connect device to the internet and restart installation."
    		echo "********************************************************************"

and remove raspi-gpio from :

pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)

It have to be :

pkglist=(python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)
Save it :slight_smile:

Make it executable :
chmod +x /tmp/

and run it :

OK will try that. Thanks.